March 2001 Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy
Chapter 1: Evaluating Medicare's payment policies (March 2001 report)
Chapter 2: Updating payments for physician services and for care provided in hospital outpatient departments (March 2001 report)
Chapter 3: Accounting for new technology in the outpatient prospective payment system (March 2001 report)
Chapter 4: Developing input-price indexes for all health care settings (March 2001 report)
Chapter 5: Financial performance and inpatient payment issues for PPS hospitals (March 2001 report)
Chapter 6: Prospective payment for post-acute care: Current issues and long-term agenda (March 2001 report)
Chapter 7: Reconciling Medicare+Choice and fee-for-service spending (March 2001 report)
Chapter 8: End-stage renal disease payment policies in traditional Medicare (March 2001 report)
Chapter 9: Reducing beneficiary coinsurance under the hospital outpatient prospective payment system (March 2001 report)
Chapter 10: Treatment of the initial residency period in Medicare's direct graduate medical education payments (March 2001 report)
Appendix A: Overview of new hospital technologies for fiscal year 2002 (March 2001 report)
Appendix B: A data book on hospital financial performance (March 2001 report)
Appendix C: Training requirements and initial residency period for selected residency programs (March 2001 report)
Appendix D: Commissioners' voting on recommendations (March 2001 report)