June 2004 Report to the Congress: New Approaches in Medicare
Chapter 1: Implementing the Medicare drug benefit: Formulary and plan transition issues (June 2004 report)
Chapter 2: The Medicare Modernization Act and chronic care improvement (June 2004 report)
Chapter 3: Dual eligible beneficiaries: An overview (June 2004 report)
Chapter 4: Purchasing strategies (June 2004 report)
Chapter 5: Defining long-term care hospitals (June 2004 report)
Chapter 6: Hospice care in Medicare: Recent trends and a review of the issues (June 2004 report)
Chapter 7: Information technology in health care (June 2004 report)
Appendix A: Review of CMS's preliminary estimate of the physician update for 2005 (June 2004 report)
Appendix B: Beneficiaries' financial resources and liability for health care costs (June 2004 report)
Appendix C: Commissioners' voting on recommendations (June 2004 report)